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ILP - Student work

A lot of outspoken 9th-graders from our school with very good english skills and interest in the school systems every year applies for joining the ILP-trip. They are applying through a short videopresentation, and normally up to 5 students can go. When in a UK-school we always present them for our school, the danish schoolsystem and what it is like to live in Denmark. The students will typically have made some short videos and a powerpoint for their presentation. (See the videos on the right and the gallery below)

The videos are temporarly suspended regarding to the GDPR!


On this page you will find videologs and different presentations all created by the Dyssegaard ILP-students who visited our partner schools in Bristol and in Manchester.
Powerpoint explaining the danish schoolsystem (saved as a PDF)

The students had to make a short videolog after each day spent in the UK, talking about their experiences, cultural differencies and particularly their view of what we could bring home and implement at our school in Denmark, and what the british schools could learn from our school. (See the videologs on the right)


Back in Denmark the ILP-students always have one more job to do - they have to present their experiences from their visit to the british schools to other students from our school and even for the teachers. (See the gallery below)

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